
Feb 9, 2023 - 7 mins read time

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9 tips will keep your skin healthy and glowing all season


It's that time of year when lemonade takes the place of tea at lunch and loose cotton is the only thing you can wear. Summer is not the best time to be in India because the sun is stronger, the weather is humid, and you sweat a lot. If you don't drink enough water, it makes you feel tired and worn out all the time. But that's not the only bad thing about summer. Skin problems like zits, uneven skin tone, sun spots, and tans are also common. But if you take good care of your skin during the summer, you can reduce these problems and keep your glow.

Everyone knows a few rules for taking care of their skin in the summer, like putting on sunscreen and drinking a lot of water, and covering their heads with a scarf or hat.
These are not enough, though. If you want your skin to look healthy and bright all summer long, you need to follow a summer skin care routine and make a few changes to how you live. Don't know where to start or what to do? Let us handle it! In this article, we will give you 10 tips that will keep your skin healthy and glowing all season long.

How to Take Good Care of Your Face Care

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Start with your face when making a summer skin care routine. Use products that will deeply clean and protect your skin during this harsh season.

Use the Correct Cleaner

In the summer, when it's hot and humid, your skin is more likely to get oily. When oil and sweat mix, it can clog pores and cause acne.
Because of this, it's very important to use a cleanser that gets rid of dirt well. Be extra careful if you have acne-prone skin. A mask made of clay or charcoal would be best for you.

Use a light moisturising cream

In the winter, your skin needs a lot of moisture, but in the summer, a light moisturiser is all you need. But don't skip moisturiser in the summer, no matter what type of skin you have. Doing so could make your skin problems worse by making your oil glands work harder. Invest in a gel-based formula that soothes or calms the skin and absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy or sticky feeling.

Use broad-spectrum sun protection

With sunscreen, you can avoid a lot of skin problems that come up in the summer. So, you can't take care of your skin in the summer without a broad-spectrum sunscreen. It will protect your face from both UVA and UVB rays, keeping your skin's glow and radiance and preventing problems like sun spots and uneven skin tone. For the sunscreen to work best, you should put it on again every three hours.

Avoid Heavy Makeup

Heavy makeup looks are not good for summer. Try to go as long as possible without wearing makeup. If you want an even base, just use a CC cream or a light matte foundation. Heavy foundation and other products can block your pores and trap dirt, oil, and other impurities, which can lead to acne.
If you want clear skin this season, go for simple, little makeup.

How to Take Good Care of Your Body 

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Taking care of your face and not paying attention to your body? Not fair, the sun and weather are just as hard on your body as they are on your face.
So, make a summer skin care routine for your body and stick to it.

Use SPF body lotion

In the summer, your body needs to be moisturised just like your face. But don't use the same body lotion you used in the winter to take care of your skin in the summer. It will be too heavy for the skin to absorb and could make your skin feel sticky. If you can, buy a body lotion with SPF. This will protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays while also making it soft and smooth. The lotion works best if you put it on right after you get out of the shower.

Don't wear tight cotton clothes

The only way to stay cool in the summer is to wear fabrics that don't trap sweat but instead let it evaporate. This season, wear cotton dresses and kurtas, and your skin will thank you. It will stop you from getting sick and keep your skin healthy all season.

Drink a lot of liquids

In the summer, your body can lose water pretty quickly, so it's important to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Make sure to eat foods that are high in water as well as drinking water and juices during this season. Eating antioxidant-rich foods like tomatoes, lemons, bell peppers, turmeric, green tea, garlic, etc., can help prevent a number of summer skin infections and make your skin look healthy and glowing.

Every day shower twice

It's not a good idea to let sweat dry on your skin and then wash it off the next day. By then, the bacteria on your skin has been there long enough to cause problems like pimples. This is why many people get acne on their backs and chests in the summer. This could sometimes even cause infections. To keep this from happening, shower twice a day and use the right summer skin care routine. Take a quick shower at night before you go to sleep or right after a long commute or workout where you sweat a lot.

How to Take Good Care of Your Feet 

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In the summer, when you wear sandals, your feet are also out in the sun. Follow the tips below to protect your feet from the sun's harmful effects, stop them from getting dry, and avoid getting infections.

Once in a week Exfoliate

When you wear sandals and flip-flops, dust and other dirt can easily get on your feet. This can make your feet look dull and bumpy, so it is important to get rid of flaky and dead skin cells. If you exfoliate them once a week, your feet will be smooth and soft. This will also stop the growth of bacteria and keep infections from happening. So, as part of your summer skin care routine, exfoliate from head to toe.

Use a Pumice Stone

Calluses are a common problem with feet and can make them look bad. It's caused by not taking care of your feet, wearing shoes that don't fit right, pressure, and repeated friction. If you use a pumice stone on your feet every other day, you won't get calluses and your feet will stay soft. It will also help your foot cream work better on your skin. Make sure to be gentle with the rest of the foot and only put pressure on the calluses.

Do some intense moisturising

During the summer, your heels can dry out quickly, making your feet more likely to get dry. Even in the summer, it's important to take care of your feet. Before you go to sleep at night, put some heavy-duty lotion or oil on your feet. You can also keep the moisture in by wearing socks.
So, every morning when you wake up, your feet will be soft and healthy. In the morning, don't forget to wash them well.

Let your feet get some air

Even though it's fine to wear socks and shoes in the summer, don't keep them on for too long or your feet will start to smell. Not only that, but moist places are great for bacteria to grow and cause fungal infections. In the summer, wear shoes that are comfortable and dry your feet well before putting on shoes. If you like to paint your toenails, make sure to let them rest in between pedicures by not painting them.